Saturday, April 28, 2007
S O Y - S A U S A G E - P I Z Z A

Our friend Jeremy came over last night for pizza and pabst. He brought over ingredients for the lovely pizza you see above. Unfortunately, as he was cutting the green peppers, the meat cleaver he was using sliced right through his nail and down into skin and flesh! He recovered nicely, and continued on with the pizza.
Homemade herb pizza dough
Tomato basil sauce
Soy sausage
Green pepper
White truffle oil
(all of these ingredients were cookied together in a skillet)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
O T H E R - P E O P L E S - P I Z Z A

This is the pizza being served at Sandor's party last weekend.
The main key ingredient is Hungarian sausage.
Pretty damn good.
P I E R O G I E - P I Z Z A

Homemade Oktoberfest pizza dough
Four cheese pierogies
Tomato basil sauce
Tofu (extra firm, cubed)
IPA Harpoon beer cheese
Totally amazing pizza. I highly recommend this combination!
C H E E Z - I T - P I Z Z A

Homemade herb pizza dough
Tomato marinara sauce
Cheez-it crackers
Basil flakes (sprinkled on top)
You think this is weird, but it's not.
P E S T O - P I Z Z A

Homemade herb pizza dough
Homemade pesto
Parmigiano Reggiano
The top cooked much faster than the dough. I took it out a little too soon. Still a decent pizza, but the dough wasn't quite crisp enough!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
E G G S A C - P I Z Z A - C A L Z O N E
Ren fulfills a dream, creating the ultimate pizza calzone.
Homemade herb pizza dough
Cheese pizza rolls
Tomato basil sauce
Truly amazing to witness.
S I X - C H E E S E - P I Z Z A

Trader Joe's herb dough
Trader Joe's marinara sauce
Nine month aged sharp cheddar
Zergut Bulgarian Kashkaval sheep cheese
Ralph's brand shredded sharp cheddar
IPA Harpoon beer cheese
Ren, Rob, Matt, and Jon made this one. INTENSE grease. So much that I had to blot it with a paper towel, just to taste the cheese. The sheep cheese was an experiment. A little too bland and buttery, but possibly with the right toppings...

Saturday, April 21, 2007
S P I N A C H - P I Z Z A

Tomato basil sauce
Nine month cheddar
IPA beer cheese
regular shredded sharp cheddar
Trader Joe's pre-made pizza dough
*I know you are thinking, "Goddamn, that is some greasy pizza!" I assure you, it was.
S L I C E D - T O M A T O - B A S I L - P I Z Z A

Home-made herb pizza crust
Tomato basil sauce
Fresh basil
Sliced tomato
IPA Harpoon beer cheese
Tofu (extra firm, cubed)
M E G A - O N I O N - P I Z Z A

This pizza turned out pretty intense.
Trader Joes pre-made pizza dough
Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Cubed tofu (extra firm)
Pepper jack cheese
An insane amount of O N I O N
I did not personally create this pizza, my roomates did. I whole-heartedly support it, though. The overwhelming smell of warm onions was amazing.
*Before cooking, all of the toppings sat about 3 inches above the crust!
Friday, April 20, 2007
D O C U M E N T A T I O N - B E G I N S
This is a place to document our love of pizza.
Expect tons of homemade pizza, recipes, tips, tricks, and more.
Expect tons of homemade pizza, recipes, tips, tricks, and more.
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